Friday, February 27, 2009

Norm Van Lier & Johnny Kerr

Two of my favorite analysts have passed. John Kerr was a fan first and foremost. He enhanced any broadcast he was on. I'm sorry to see Big Red go. He seemed like a class guy!

In regards to Mr. Van Lier,the blog below says it better then I could have.
Norm was also a great ballplayer on some of the best BULLS teams of all-time. I still remember
like it was yesterday the BULLS teams back in the early '70's.

Hopefully,someday the BULLS of today will find ballplayers who played the game with the same fire & passion as Norm did!

Monday, February 23, 2009


CUBS Forever!
On the night the Sux clinched the WS,I spent the evening watching a lifetime movie with my wife.
The Sux winning the whole thing meant as much to me as the Clevland Indians winning it. I HATE the Sox,but do respect them. I like Ozzie and enjoy his "ramblings". The only time in my life I kind of liked the Sox is when they were managed by Chuck Tanner and had guys like Richie Allen,Bill Melton,Bee-Bee Richard & Wilbur Wood playing for them. That was over 30 years ago. The Sox were named after the Chicago National League team. The Cubs originally were named the White Stockings,then changed it to the Colts,Orphans and finally settled on the Cubs.So the Sox actually are just a bunch of Cub wanna-be's.