Saturday, January 31, 2009



Hope I'm wrong. I'm rooting for the Card's.
I think the Steelers have too much talent on defense
and it will be a tough day on Curt Warner.The only
great equalizer (as in any game) are fumbles & INT's.
The Card's Defense needs to hit Big Ben on every attempt.
He's already "pre-concussed". They need to rattle his cage
or else it's a long day for Arizona!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I can not fairly review this movie.
I loved The KING of QUEENS with Kevin James.
Last year,my wife and I moved up our planned
Vegas vacation because Kevin and Ray Romano
were playing at the MIRAGE.(side note: When they took questions from the audience,
I asked Ray if the movie ,GRILLED,was supposed to be a comedy.THAT movie sucked and was weird! It starred both of them.)
Paul Blart,though extremely formulaic,was very entertaining.I laughed hard about 3 times & was smiling the rest of the way!
If you are a King of Queens fan,be on the lookout for Kevin's real life wife & kids. Also,his brother (in real life-Gary Valentine-"DANNY"from KofQ) has a VERY FUNNY cameo.

I give it a solid 3.5 (out of 5) BOWLS OF PASTA.

First move by new CUBS owner:

Just a thought,but if I was the new owner I would:
1)Sign 2 more CHEAP veteran pitchers to battle for the 5th spot.

2) Forget Jake Peavy,unless the Padres send an extra 6-7 million
with him! (Seems like the CUBS are always sending money the other way!)

3) SIGN MANNY RAMIREZ!!! Put him in left & move SORRY-ANO to 2nd,Miles
to short. Alphonso sucks no matter where you hide him. Or you can move
M-Ram to RF and Bradley to center.

Just my Cub Thoughts for today!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

JIMMYPASTA at 18-Compare to Stallone at 62!!

Blago Media Blitz

After seeing a Joy Behar demanding our Gov imitate Richard Nixon then mussing his hair,I've about had enough of Rod Blagoievich's national exposure. Like the saying goes:"Don't do the crime,if you can't do the time." From afar,I thought Rod was doing a fine job as Governor and it is disappointing to see the mess he is in. But
all the national interviews in the world will not erase what is said on those tapes!
Illinois deserves an honest man as governor,no matter if it is a Dem or a Republican. Jim Edgar WAS that man. Stronger,faster,smarter. We can rebuild....Oh sorry,my mind wanders! Oh,well...that's my political thoughts for today!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monsters in the Morning

Saw MITM today. Fred Huebner was on and as always added value.
I think the show would be better served with Fred giving the updates.
Jen wants to do it all,but it's nice to hear a voice that can talk about the
"south side hitmen of 1977" or the Bears 46 Defense because he witnessed it and didn't read it in a book!
Timing is everything I guess. If I was waitressing at Gibson's about 5-6 years ago in my short skirt,I
could be working for the monsters!!(actually NO,because I belong to the fat guy,shaven head,goatee club)
Actually,that brings up a good point, what is the perfect age for a sports talk host?
Personally, I feel anywhere from 40-50 & a guy/girl who has grown up in the area.
I wonder if Dan & Mike are trying to simulcast this production. They are much more entertaining then anyone on the radio at this time. Mully and Hanley are OK,but it's straight sportstalk with no comedy or anything else.....BORING! The SCORE is a shell of what it once was,but that's for another day!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Review: The Wrestler

Mickey Rourke makes another comeback. (He was also good in SIN CITY .) I really enjoyed this movie,especially when Marissa Tomei was dancing naked! What can I say,I'm a man! (She has the body of a 22 year old,by the way!!) I have been watching Pro Wrestling since I was a young boy. Saturday evenings & Sunday mornings were set aside for Bob Luce Wrestling (presented by Ben's Auto Sales). It was great! I have watched documentary's & of course seen Pro Wrasslin live,but nothing I have witnessed has ever displayed the brutality of the sport like this movie!
Rourke plays a broken down has-been who is now forced to play school gyms & performs for much smaller crowds. The movie follows him through his daily exploits,his attempts at reconcilliation with a young daughter,autograph shows where other broken down wrestlers are also on display and various small jobs he works at to survive. The movie paints a picture of a good man who has flaws,but got lost somewhere between the ring and real life. I loved it and give it 4.5 out of 5 pasta bowls!!